In practical terms, a lot of parents don't want their children ranked by race and gender and assigned privilege. I'll leave the philosophy to the philosophers. Just make this madness stop. It's dehumanizing.

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Great to see this kind of staunch support for the core principles of CRT

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“William Clark was compelled to participate in public professions of his racial, religious, sexual, and gender identities, and would be labeled as an “oppressor” on these bases,” reads the court filing.

O’Brien calls it “coercive.”

“It serves no apparent pedagogical purpose,” he says.


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Yes, that is what the court filing and its lawyer said. Did you also note the part of the article that says the lawsuit is funded by an "anti-LGBT extremist hate group", and are you aware that anyone can claim basically anything in their own court filing?

I swear half of these lawsuits exist just so that right-wingers can quote from "court documents", i.e. "a thing that someone (in this case an extremist hate group) paid a lawyer to write down and submit to a court".

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I swear half of these "extremist hate group" designations exist just so that progressive activists can dismiss valid arguments without addressing them on the merits.

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"Designated" by the SPLC, so not by anyone serious.

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CRT scholars (If that’s what they want to call themselves, and I would advise against it) who are interested In good faith discussion & debate could make a better case for themselves if they walked back the jargon & pseudoscience & endeavored to communicate more clearly & precisely.

Critical Race Theory is a poisoned well. It lacks a natural objective correlative, as Eliot would say (See, I can play this game, too!) As things stand, CRT is obscurantist jargon that means too many things to too many people to be useful. And it elicits the kind of intensely negative emotions that shut down conversations before they can start.

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Link below to a very good discussion, 45 minutes long, on Critical Race Theory.

In terms of definition, keep in mind that the usage of various words and phrases ("white supremacy", "queer") has changed vastly in a few years without much extended back and forth over what they mean and who defines them.


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That’s a rather large part of the problem, don’t you think?

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