Well and thoughtfully and passionately said. Thank you.

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thank you so much.

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I clicked on "Ask me how I know." There were too many ads popping up to read it. Could you summarize?


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Hmm. I'm usually able to close the ads by clicking the little "x" in the corner.

A government agency—in this case, a community college in Texas—reprimanded and then fired me over a tweet criticizing Mike Pence. For this, as well as for other instances in which the college has clearly violated the First Amendment rights of faculty, FIRE named the school one of the ten worst colleges for free speech in the U.S. Government violation of citizens' right to speak freely, particularly on matters of public concern, is the most dangerous threat to freedom of expression. Nothing else comes close.

Boycotts are a form of free expression, and anyone equating calls for a boycott with attempts to stifle speech should probably take a refresher course on the American Revolution. Too many people are getting a case of the vapors over strident and organized opposition to their own or their friends' ideas. That opposition is a good sign: it means the discourse is alive and well.

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There were just too many little x's for me today. Thank you!

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